Anya Taylor-Joy
Anya Taylor Joy is a 16-year old American who was who was born in Miami Florida. Dennis Alan Taylor is a retired banker and Jennifer Marina Joy is a psychologist. She is an Argentinean of Scottish, English and Argentinean heritage. Her mother's heritage is Spanish and English. Taylor-Joy is one of the five children. Four are from Taylor's father's prior marriage. After having lived with her parents in Buenos Aires for six years The family moved to Victoria. Taylor-Joy stated that the move had been difficult and that she was unable to study English as she wanted to be able to return to Argentina. Hill House had to be her new school following the switched from Northlands. Then she attended Queen's Gate School where she trained in ballet and appeared in school productions. After she turned 16, she left school to take on a full-time job in acting. Taylor-Joy has always known she wanted to become an actor. The opportunity was offered to her chance by Sarah Doukas founder o